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Janssen’s approach to Continuous Professional Development of Healthcare Professionals

JanssenAcademy: Janssen’s continuous professional development approach

Janssen has a strong tradition in medical education, and has been supporting medical education in Benelux for decades. This mission arises as a consequence of the medicines we develop, and from our Credo. In this way, we are able to share high-quality medical information and make a contribution to improving the quality of medical care in Benelux. We facilitate the exchange of medical knowledge regarding disease areas and medicines, with the ultimate aim of improving patient care. And we do all of this under the JanssenAcademy header.

JanssenAcademy is the quality label used by Janssen to shape medical education.

Through JanssenAcademy, we aim to contribute to thorough, impartial and transparent education in cooperation with the medical professional associations, and ensure that important medical advances are discussed in various circles. This involves both international congresses and more limited, educational meetings. Thanks to stringent corporate principles, Janssen is able to organize interactions with individual healthcare professionals, medical associations and institutions in an impartial manner and according to clear procedures.

Our Medical Education activities at Janssen have been developed on the basis of a strong quality framework, in which transparency is paramount.

The JanssenAcademy is based on two major pillars:

  1. A focus on local medical education in Benelux:
    1. our objective is to localize international congresses, by means of live streaming, post-congress events, etc.
    2. We are actively seeking input from and cooperation with doctors in Benelux to shape this education, and we also enter into partnerships with other companies.
    3. We make the best possible use of the digital possibilities.
  2. Through JanssenAcademy scholarships, we support trainee junior doctors through participation in international European conferences. This support is provided via the academic centers in Benelux.

The educational meetings that we organize or support should stimulate scientific exchange and the discussion of the latest healthcare standards, to ensure the safe and effective treatment of patients. Some of these meetings are recognized by accreditation bodies, others are not. We apply the same quality rules for both at Janssen,

and follow the national regulations applicable to the support of events and healthcare institutions.

We support medical educational events and activities that are organized together with autonomous experts, in accordance with Janssen's principles. Janssen's policy is based on national legislation and the Code of Conduct of the ‘European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations' (EFPIA) with regard to the promotion of prescription drugs and interactions with healthcare professionals, and, furthermore, on the national rules and regulations where these use more stringent criteria (Mdeon and for Belgium and CGR for the Netherlands).

Some key points are indicated below:

Meetings are not publicity-driven: most educational meetings organized by Janssen do not focus on one particular medicine, but on a therapeutic domain. There is no use of brand names of medicines, and any debate on specific treatments should be balanced and factual.

Content: the content and agenda of meetings is determined by external expert committees and/or medical associations. They select the topics they consider to be educationally relevant, and select the speakers who will facilitate the sessions. The speakers are responsible for their presentations, which are only reviewed by Janssen to ensure that they provide recent, fair and balanced information about our medicines.

Conflicts of interest: all speakers are required to report any conflicts of interest, as well as any amounts they have been paid by pharmaceutical companies and in what capacity, for example as speaker, member of an advisory board, participant to a congress, etc.

Format: these meetings have a scientific focus, which should be reflected in the agenda. The selection of the venue and the length of stay must be subordinate to the main purpose. The time spent on the scientific program should considerably exceed the breaks.


External monitoring: in order to ensure the quality of the training program, we collaborate with external educational institutions at national and European level. We work together with the Director of Adult Education of the Karolinska Institute. All meetings are structured around educational objectives defined by scientific committees.

Janssen's principles

In addition to the above criteria, Janssen has stringent rules to ensure that the company does not use its educational support to exercise undue influence.

Logistics: luxury hotels are not permitted and flights take place in economy class. There are also certain limits to the amount that can be spent on food and drink. These limits are based on what is prescribed by the local regulations of the country (Mdeon in Belgium and CGR for the Netherlands). The company never pays for accompanying persons.

Fees for services provided: Janssen will pay a fee in return for services, such as speaker assignments, participation in advisory boards and the development of educational materials. The amount of the fee is accurately calculated on the basis of the time spent on the provision of the service. No return on investment: educational meetings are organized by Janssen's Medical Affairs department. No return on investment is calculated.

Transparency: from June 2016, Janssen in Belgium will disclose value transfers to healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations each year in accordance with the EFPIA transparency policy, the guidelines of the national professional association and the national regulations. This will be done through the transparency platform In the Netherlands, Janssen has participated in the Transparantieregister Zorg (Healthcare Transparency Register) since its inception, and will, of course, continue to do so.

We are convinced that JanssenAcademy Medical Education will remain transparent and impartial, in accordance with society's wishes, while at the same time stimulating scientific exchange and the dissemination of knowledge with the aim of ensuring that patients receive the best possible treatment.