Нашите дарения: Организации
Janssen е изцяло ангажирана да предоставя висококачествени продукти и услуги на професионалисти в областта на здравеопазването, пациенти и техните семейства. Казано по-просто, винаги поставяме на първо място нуждите и благоденствието на хората, на които служим. За нас е важно да разберем всички аспекти на нуждите на пациентите. Затова се обвързваме и работим заедно с пациентски организации, които играят важна роля в информирането, помощта и подкрепата за пациентите. Като компания ние научаваме много от тези взаимоотношения и това ни помага в разработването на нови терапии и в предоставянето на полезна информация.
Наша цел е да гарантираме, че тези взаимоотношения и партньорства ще продължат в очертаната рамка на взаимно уважение и ерудиция, интегритет, независимост и прозрачност.
Тази рамка е описана в “Кодекс за взаимоотношенията между фармацевтичната индустрия и пациентските организации”, разработен от Европейската федерация на фармацевтичните индустрии и асоциации (EFPIA) в сътрудничество с общоевропейски пациентски организации.
- Ще бъде гарантирана независимостта на пациентските организации по отношение на техните политически възгледи, политики и дейности.
- Всички партньорства между пациентски организации и фармацевтичната индустрия ще се основават на взаимно уважение, като гледната точка и решенията на всеки партньор ще имат еднаква тежест.
- Фармацевтичната индустрия няма да изисква, а пациентските организации няма да предприемат промотиране на нито един конкретен лекарствен продукт.
- Целите и обхватът на всяко партньорство ще бъдат прозрачни. Финансовата и нефинансовата подкрепа, предоставяна от фармацевтичната индустрия винаги ще бъде ясно призната.
- Фармацевтичната индустрия подкрепя финансирането на пациентските организации от различни източници.
За да улесни сътрудничеството, Janssen разработи следното:
- Начинът на преглед от страна на мултидисциплинарна комисия с цел оценка на исканията за финансиране или сътрудничество.
- Оповестяване на финансирането, предоставено на пациентски организации. Целта на оповестяването на даренията е да демонстрираме своя постоянен ангажимент за прозрачност.
Каква е същността на нашето сътрудничество с пациентски организации?
Janssen си сътрудничи с пациентски групи по един от следните начини:
- Подкрепа на обучителни програми и конференции;
- Спонсорство на събития за набиране на средства;
- Дарения за подкрепа на програми и услуги за пациентски общности и хора, които се грижат за тях.
- Дарения за подкрепа на дейности, подпомагащи пациентите и хората, които се грижат за тях, да изискват по-добро лечение, услуги и подкрепа; сътрудничество с цел повишаване информираността относно заболяванията.
Следните типове искания обикновено не подлежат на одобрение за дарение:
- Индивидуални стипендии;
- Директни дарения на лица;
- Заеми.
Описание на процеса на предоставяне на дарение
Мултидисциплинарната комисия преглежда всички искания. Исканията трябва да включват декларация относно мисията на организацията, данъчен статут, описание на проекта/събитието, описание на начина, по който ще се усвоят средствата, бюджет на проекта (ако е приложимо) и годишен оперативен бюджет.
За информация относно Вашата държава, свържете се с местната компания на Janssen.
Тук можете да разгледате нашите международни инициативи.
Можете да филтрирате списъка, като въведете ключови думи в полето за текст по-долу.
По-долу ще намерите списък на пациентските организации, които подкрепяме в Европа, Близкия изток и Африка. Вижте всички подробности тук.
Patient Organization | Description | Year |
Alzheimer Europe | Silver Sponsorship 2015 | 2015 |
EUFAMI | Corporate Sponsorship 2015 | 2015 |
Europa Donna | Support 2015 Programs | 2015 |
Europa Uomo | Corporate Partnership 2015 | 2015 |
EATG | Funding factsheets & antiretroviral drugs chart development for Eastern European countries | 2015 |
EATG | Core funding 2015 program | 2015 |
EATG | Funding HIV Prevention Meeting | 2015 |
European Brain Council | Corporate Sponsorship 2015 | 2015 |
EFCCA | Corporate Partnership 2015 + support World IBD Vouchers & Day Pack | 2015 |
ELPA | Core funding 2015 | 2015 |
European Patients Forum | Funding 2015 Capacity Building Program | 2015 |
European Patients Forum | EUPATI 4th instalment | 2015 |
Gamian Europe | Funding 2015 Corporate Membership | 2014 |
International Diabetes Federation | Corporate Funding 2015 | 2015 |
Myeloma Patients Europe | Corporate Funding 2015 | 2015 |
NAM | Funding factsheets & antiretroviral drugs chart development for Eastern European countries | 2015 |
NAM | Funding InfoHep.org & Aidsmap.com | 2015 |
WHA | Core Funding 2015 | 2015 |
WHA | Support WHA Advisory Committee Meeting | 2015 |
Alzheimer Europe | Silver Sponsorship 2014 | 2014 |
Association Tunisienne des Greffés de la Moelle Osseuse | Medical Information Booth during the 15ème Journée scientifique du Centre National | 2014 |
EATG | Core Funding 2014 Program + Sitges VII Meeting | 2014 |
EFCCA | Corporate Partnership 2014 + Completion Advocacy training tool | 2014 |
EFNA | Mid-level Supporting Partnership 2014 | 2014 |
ELPA | Core funding 2014 activities | 2014 |
EUFAMI | Collaborating Partnership for 2014 | 2014 |
Europa Donna | Support 2014 Programs | 2014 |
Europa Uomo | Corporate Partnership 2014 | 2014 |
European Patients Forum | Support 2014 | 2014 |
European Patients Forum | EUPATI (2014 translation costs) | 2014 |
European Patients Forum | EUPATI (2014 third installment) | 2014 |
EuropeanBrain Council | Corporate Sponsorship 2014 | 2014 |
Eurordis | Sapphire Membership 2014 | 2014 |
EWMn | Funding 2014 activities | 2014 |
Gamian Europe | Funding 2014 Corporate Membership | 2014 |
Gamian Europe | Support for EU Interest Group on Mental Health, Well-being and Brain Disorders | 2014 |
IAPO | Premium Sponsorship 6th Global Patients Congress Ascot, UK March 29-31, 2014 | 2014 |
International Diabetes Federation | Corporate Funding for IDF Europe in 2014 | 2014 |
International HIV Partnerships | Support satellite meeting of HIV in Europes HepHIV 2014 Conference in Barcelona | 2014 |
Myeloma Patient Europe | Corporate Funding 2014 | 2014 |
NAM | Funding support for Aidsmap.com 2014 | 2014 |
WHA | Core Funding 2014 activities | 2014 |
ADHD Family Support Group Malta | support educational activity delivered by psychiatrists,GP's,nutritionists, and several experts dealing | 2013 |
Alzheimer Europe | Silver Sponsorship 2013 | 2013 |
ELPA | Support for White Paper Economic Project | 2013 |
EUFAMI | Primary Collaborating Partnership 2013 + completion of the Mental Health Services study | 2013 |
EUFAMI, ELPA, IFPA, EATG and ECPC | Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, July 2013 | 2013 |
European Aids Treatment Group (EATG) | Core funding 2013 | 2013 |
European Aids Treatment Group (EATG) | Sponsoring of Conference on Compassionate HCV Treatment Use | 2013 |
European Federation of Crohns & Ulcerative | Corporate Sponsorship 2013 | 2013 |
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA) | Support for 2013 activities | 2013 |
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA) | Support for European Cancer Week 2013 | 2013 |
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA) | Support for Policy Strategy Workshop | 2013 |
European Patients Forum (EPF) | Support 2013 activities | 2013 |
EUROPSO | Support General Assembly | 2013 |
EUROPSO | Support EU Parliament Event | 2013 |
EUROPSO | Support EU Parliament Event | 2013 |
IAPO | Silver Industry Partner & Support the development of a Briefing Paper on Innovation | 2013 |
IDRAAC | deliver free community services, awareness programs and development of mental health care | 2013 |
International Federation of | Support for World Psoriasis Day | 2013 |
Psoriasis Associations (IFPA) | 2013 | 2013 |
International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM) | Support for Inaugural Cycling Tour 13 | 2013 |
Jordanian Rose of Hope | Raising public awareness of Arthritis, its degrees and kinds, supporting patients in | 2013 |
Myeloma Patients Europe | Support 2013 activities | 2013 |
NAM | Support towards NAMs 2013 pan-European HIV treatments news and education program | 2013 |
NAM | Support for InfoHep.org | 2013 |
NAM | Support Development and Promotion InfoHep.org | 2013 |
SHINE | Sponsoring of Conference: A perfect Vision for Mental Health 2020 (together with EUFAMI) | 2013 |
Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) | Support for Patient Advocacy Workshop at EHA 2013 | 2013 |
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) | Support for 2013 activities | 2013 |
Alzheimer Europe | Silver sponsorship of Alzheimer Europe's Conference in Vienna Austria, October 4-6, 2012 | 2012 |
Alzheimer Europe | Support for 2012 Corporate Affairs Activities of Alzheimer Europe | 2012 |
CAP-HO | To support the CAP-HO organization (Assistance Committee To Hospitalized Children) that takes | 2012 |
Community of mentally ill people in Lithuania | To support organization of international seminar "Cooperation in the area of Mental | 2012 |
East Europe & Central Asia Union of PLWH | Support of EECA CAB Meeting to put the grounds for scaling-up the | 2012 |
Europa Uomo | Support for a European Cancer Awareness Day (EPAD) | 2012 |
Europa Uomo | Participation in the Conference on Active Surveillance for Low Risk Prostate Cancer | 2012 |
Europa Uomo Cyprus | Publication of the first three monthly informative bulletin. | 2012 |
European Aids Treatment Group | Sponsorship of Sitges V Meeting | 2012 |
European Aids Treatment Group | Core funding 2012 / 2 half day ECAB meetings / Input in study design RPV | 2012 |
European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) | Steering Committee Member Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, December 2012 | 2012 |
European Cancer Patient Coalition | Steering Committee Member Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, December 2012 | 2012 |
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness | Primary Partnership Contribution to the 2012 Workplan | 2012 |
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) | Steering Committee Member Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, December 2012 | 2012 |
European Liver Patients Assocation (ELPA) | Steering Committee Member Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, December 2012 | 2012 |
European Liver Patients Association | 2012 Funding | 2012 |
European Liver Patients Association | Support to ELPA Advisory Board Meeting (Austria June 22-24, 2012) | 2012 |
European Patients Forum | EUPATI (2012 first instalment) | 2012 |
European Patients Forum | Support 2012 | 2012 |
EUROPSO | Support for Europsos presence at the 3rd World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis | 2012 |
Faire Face | To support early detection program of breast cancer and for the help | 2012 |
GAMIAN-Europe | Support for the 2012 pan-European Adherence to Treatment Study | 2012 |
Gamian-Europe | Sponsoring of a Training Session on adherence to treatment (Cyprus June 2-3, 2012) | 2012 |
Healthcare Belgium vzw | Sponsoring Event Belgian Embassy Riyadh | 2012 |
Hepatitis B & C Public Policy Association | Support of the Summit Conference on Hepatitis B & C in Meditteranean and | 2012 |
Ibtissama | Supporting Ibtissama's activity in Clown Doctors visit to cancer-hospitalized children. | 2012 |
IDRAAC | Support IDRAACs mission in increasing public awareness on mental health, and | 2012 |
Institut Européen de Coopération et de Dévelopment | Psychosocial assistance for children in need. | 2012 |
International Alliance of Patients' Organizations (IAPO) | Support IAPO activities 2012 | 2012 |
International Diabetes Federation - Europe | Corporate partnership Core funding | 2012 |
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations | Support of World Psoriasis Day 2012 | 2012 |
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA) | Steering Committee Member Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, December 2012 | 2012 |
IRADA | IRADA is a non-profit patient support group for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. JANSSEN | 2012 |
Jordanian Rose of Hope Society for Arthritis Patients | Support JRHS in its mission of supporting patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and | 2012 |
Lebanese Autism Society | Continue with LAS mission to advocate for the rights of individuals with | 2012 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients | Supporting of organization of educational tour of patients, volunteers, doctors in Lithuania, | 2012 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients "Kraujas" | Supporting of organization of Myeloma day 2012 | 2012 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients (OHLB) "Kraujas" | To support organization of psychological seminars for oncohematology patients, covering organizational expenses. | 2012 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients (OHLB) "Kraujas" | Supporting participation of 2 members in 6th EBMT Patient&Family Day and publishing | 2012 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients (OHLB) "Kraujas" | Supporting participation of one member in 8th Baltic conference of Hematology Patient | 2012 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients (OHLB) "Kraujas" | Supporting participation of one member in Public relations and communication seminar "How | 2012 |
Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Patients Association | To support organization and implementation of project for dissemination of information about | 2012 |
Myeloma Patients Europe | Funding of 2012 activities | 2012 |
NAM | 2012 Sponsoring - Support for NAM's 2012 pan-European HIV treatments news and education program | 2012 |
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) | 2012 funding. | 2012 |
Alzheimer Europe | Annual Support 2011. | 2011 |
Breast Cancer Care | Social Media Presentation by Bertie Bosredon at Patient Advocacy Workshop, December 2011 | 2011 |
chance | This contribution will support treatment of children suffering from cancer and help | 2011 |
chance | Supporting treatments for children suffering from cancer and helping in promoting cancer | 2011 |
Community of Mentally Ill People of Lithuania | Supporting the organization of the cycle of lectures for the members of | 2011 |
Estonian Network of PLWH | Supporting organization of educational seminar "Training course to HIV positive people - | 2011 |
Estonian Network of PLWH | Support for organization of educational seminar HIV Community platform for dialogue "Positive | 2011 |
European Aids Treatment Group | Support for the EATG programmes including the Policy Dialogue Meetings, Training "promoting | 2011 |
European Aids Treatment Group | Support for the SITGES IV program on HIV/HCV coinfection | 2011 |
European Aids Treatment Group | Support for development of a Position Paper: "Treatment access and innovation" | 2011 |
European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) | Steering Committee Member Patient Advocacy Workshop, December 2011 | 2011 |
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) | Steering Committee Member Patient Advocacy Workshop, December 2011 | 2011 |
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) | Annual Support 2011. | 2011 |
European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) | Annual Support 2011. | 2011 |
European Liver Patients Assocation (ELPA) | Steering Committee Member Patient Advocacy Workshop, December 2011 | 2011 |
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA) | Annual Support for the year 2011. | 2011 |
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA) | Support for the organization of a training in Clinical Trial Protocols. | 2011 |
European Patients' Forum (EPF) | Annual support for the year 2011. | 2011 |
GAMIAN-Europe | Training & development of patient advocacy groups in new Europe. | 2011 |
IDRAAC | Continue with IDRAAC mission in delivering free community services, training of volunteers, | 2011 |
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA) | Steering Committee Member Patient Advocacy Workshop, December 2011 | 2011 |
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA) | Annual Support 2011. | 2011 |
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA) | Support for IFPA activities at the EADV congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 7, 2010. | 2011 |
Kids First Association Lebanon | Continue with Kids First mission in delivering free community services, purchase high-priced | 2011 |
Latvian Association of Kidney Patients | Support for implementation of local project intended for kidney patients, including publication | 2011 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas") | Support for participation in the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation | 2011 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas") | Support for participation in the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation | 2011 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas") | Supporting organization of psychological seminars (campaign) for patients with blood cancer in | 2011 |
Lithuanian Council of Patients' Organizations' Representatives | Supporting participation of one representative in "5th Global Patients Congress. Achieving Patient-centered | 2011 |
Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Patients' Association | Supporting edition of electronic educational books for prostate cancer patients and their | 2011 |
Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Patients' Association | Supporting renovation and maintenance of the webpage www.prostatosvezys.lt. | 2011 |
Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Patients' Association | Supporting implementation of information campaign about prostate cancer and its treatment options | 2011 |
Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Patients' Association | Supporting development and implementation of interactive forum for prostate cancer patients. | 2011 |
NAM | upport of NAM's programme of pan-European treatments news and medical education via | 2011 |
Sesobel | Providing outstanding care and enhancing disabled children's quality of life to ensure | 2011 |
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) | Annual Support for the year 2011. | 2011 |
ADD-ADHD Cyprus | Support of a presentation during the psychiatrists international conference "Fom Adolescence to | 2010 |
ADD-ADHD Cyprus | Educational grant to cover expenses of the 2nd Cyprus AD/HD conference, | 2010 |
ADHD Support Group | Support in the international conference on ADHD in Sept 2010 through printing flyers | 2010 |
Association of Disabled People of Rokiskis District | Support the organization of the local project "Education of dialyzed people, self-support | 2010 |
Association of Disabled People of Rokiskis District | Support the organization of the local project "Education of dialyzed people, self-support | 2010 |
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) | Presentation at EPA Congress. | 2010 |
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA) | Support to organize a training in Health Economics for the members of | 2010 |
European Patients' Forum (EPF) | HIGH LEVEL ROUND TABLE DEBATE - The draft Directive on Patients Rights | 2010 |
European Sexual Health Alliance (ESHA) | Organization of ESHA 2010 educational endeavors at ESSM 2010, Malaga, 14-17 November 2010. | 2010 |
EUROPSO | Support for EUROPSO Members Meeting, 28-30 May 2010, Dusseldorf, Germany. | 2010 |
FOSPA Association | Educational dinner for caregivers of schizophrenic patients. | 2010 |
Gyvastis | Support for participation of members of Association in the Baltic Countries Nephrology | 2010 |
Latvian Association of Kidney Patients (Latvijas Nieru Slimnieku Asociacija) | Support for organization of local conference of Latvian Association of Kidney Patients. | 2010 |
Latvian Association of Kidney Patients (Latvijas Nieru Slimnieku Asociacija) | Support for participation of one member of Association in the III Bulgarian | 2010 |
Latvian Association of Kidney Patients (Latvijas Nieru Slimnieku Asociacija) | Support for implementation of local project intented for kidney patients, including publication | 2010 |
Latvian Association of Leucaemic Patients (Leikemijas Slimnieku Atbalsta Biedriba) | Support for organization of local educational events intended for patients, publication of | 2010 |
ebanese Autism Society | Help the Lebanese Autism Society (LAS) to sustain and improve its school | 2010 |
Lithuanian Association of Support & Assistance (Paramos Ir Pagalbos Bendrija) | Support for the organization of the educational project - cycle of lectures | 2010 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas") | Support the organization of the local project "Education of dialyzed people, self-support | 2010 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas") | Support for organization of local educational seminar intended | 2010 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas") | Support for organization of the local educational event of OHLB "Kraujas". | 2010 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas") | Support for participation in the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation | 2010 |
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas") | Support for the organization of the Educational / development project intended for patients | 2010 |
Lithuanian Healthcare Society of People With Mental Disorders | Support for organization of two educational conferences "The Role of Self-Aid and | 2010 |
AIDS FONDS Amsterdam | Build a European platform for exchange and activities to improve early diagnosis | 2009 |
heimer Europe | Unrestricted grant to support the operations and projects of the association during | 2009 |
Alzheimer Europe | Unrestricted grant to support the operations and projects of the association during | 2009 |
EPPOSI | EPPOSI Membership | 2009 |
European Cancer Patient Coalition | Unrestricted grant for 2009 to support the general activities of ECPC | 2009 |
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) | Unrestricted grant to support the operations and projects of the association during | 2009 |
European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) | Pilot training course (3 days) for patient groups (37 participants) at the London School | 2009 |
European Liver Patient Association (ELPA) | Sponsorship for the relaunch of the ELPA homepage including a protected area | 2009 |
European Men's Health Forum (EMHF) | Support Disease Awareness Campaign on Premature Ejaculation, funding a web-based set of | 2009 |
European Men's Health Forum (EMHF) | Support Disease Awareness Campaign on Premature Ejaculation, aiming to raise awareness amongst | 2009 |
International Alliance of Patients' Organizations (IAPO) | Unrestricted financial support / IAPO Support level = Silver Industry Partner | 2009 |
ternational Myeloma Foundation (IMF) | Kyle Award: platinum level sponsorship at Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony on Friday | 2009 |
Myeloma-Euronet | Unrestricted grant for 2010: to raise awareness of the disease and to provide | 2009 |
Myeloma-Euronet | Unrestricted grant for 2009: to raise awareness of the disease and to provide | 2009 |
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) | Support to WHA in reaching its objectives of raising awareness on Hepatitis | 2009 |
European AIDS Treatment Group | Support for Siteges Meeting on HIV/HCV co-infection | 2008 |
European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) | Unrestricted grant to support the operation and projects of the association | 2008 |
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) | Unrestricted grant to support the operation and projects of the association | 2008 |
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) | Educational grant - lecture at WPA, Prague, Sept 08 | 2008 |
European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) | Support 1st Patient Family Day Florence 28 March 2008 | 2008 |
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA) | Support the organisation of the 2nd World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Conference (Stockholm 24 | 2008 |
Lymphoma Coalition | Travel Support for Lymphoma Coalition members to ASH (American Society Hematology; San | 2008 |
Myeloma-Euronet | English language patient brochure; international comparative survey on managing side effects of | 2008 |
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) | Sponsor the international campaign for World Hepatitis Day on May 19th | 2007 |
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) | Sponsor the international campaign for World Hepatitis Day on May 19th 2008 | 2007 |