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Нашите дарения: Организации

Нашите дарения: Организации

Janssen е изцяло ангажирана да предоставя висококачествени продукти и услуги на професионалисти в областта на здравеопазването, пациенти и техните семейства. Казано по-просто, винаги поставяме на първо място нуждите и благоденствието на хората, на които служим. За нас е важно да разберем всички аспекти на нуждите на пациентите. Затова се обвързваме и работим заедно с пациентски организации, които играят важна роля в информирането, помощта и подкрепата за пациентите. Като компания ние научаваме много от тези взаимоотношения и това ни помага в разработването на нови терапии и в предоставянето на полезна информация.

Наша цел е да гарантираме, че тези взаимоотношения и партньорства ще продължат в очертаната рамка на взаимно уважение и ерудиция, интегритет, независимост и прозрачност.

Тази рамка е описана в “Кодекс за взаимоотношенията между фармацевтичната индустрия и пациентските организации”, разработен от Европейската федерация на фармацевтичните индустрии и асоциации (EFPIA) в сътрудничество с общоевропейски пациентски организации.​

Нашата компания спазва тези принципи. Техните ключови компоненти са следните:
  • Ще бъде гарантирана независимостта на пациентските организации по отношение на техните политически възгледи, политики и дейности.
  • Всички партньорства между пациентски организации и фармацевтичната индустрия ще се основават на взаимно уважение, като гледната точка и решенията на всеки партньор ще имат еднаква тежест.​
  • Фармацевтичната индустрия няма да изисква, а пациентските организации няма да предприемат промотиране на нито един конкретен лекарствен продукт.
  • Целите и обхватът на всяко партньорство ще бъдат прозрачни. Финансовата и нефинансовата подкрепа, предоставяна от фармацевтичната индустрия винаги ще бъде ясно призната.
  • Фармацевтичната индустрия подкрепя финансирането на пациентските организации от различни източници.

За да улесни сътрудничеството, Janssen разработи следното:

  • Начинът на преглед от страна на мултидисциплинарна комисия с цел оценка на исканията за финансиране или сътрудничество.
  • Оповестяване на финансирането, предоставено на пациентски организации. Целта на оповестяването на даренията е да демонстрираме своя постоянен ангажимент за прозрачност.

Каква е същността на нашето сътрудничество с пациентски организации?

Janssen си сътрудничи с пациентски групи по един от следните начини:

  • Подкрепа на обучителни програми и конференции;​
  • Спонсорство на събития за набиране на средства;
  • Дарения за подкрепа на програми и услуги за пациентски общности и хора, които се грижат за тях.​
  • Дарения за подкрепа на дейности, подпомагащи пациентите и хората, които се грижат за тях, да изискват по-добро лечение, услуги и подкрепа; сътрудничество с цел повишаване информираността относно заболяванията.​

Следните типове искания обикновено не подлежат на одобрение за дарение:

  • Индивидуални стипендии;​
  • Директни дарения на лица;​
  • Заеми.

Описание на процеса на предоставяне на дарение​

Мултидисциплинарната комисия преглежда всички искания. Исканията трябва да включват декларация относно мисията на организацията, данъчен статут, описание на проекта/събитието, описание на начина, по който ще се усвоят средствата, бюджет на проекта (ако е приложимо) и годишен оперативен бюджет.​

Международни дарения

За информация относно Вашата държава, свържете се с местната компания на Janssen.​

Тук можете да разгледате нашите международни инициативи.​

Можете да филтрирате списъка, като въведете ключови думи в полето за текст по-долу.​

По-долу ще намерите списък на пациентските организации, които подкрепяме в Европа, Близкия изток и Африка. Вижте всички подробности тук.

Patient OrganizationDescriptionYear
Alzheimer EuropeSilver Sponsorship 20152015
EUFAMICorporate Sponsorship 20152015
Europa DonnaSupport 2015 Programs2015
Europa UomoCorporate Partnership 20152015
EATGFunding factsheets & antiretroviral drugs chart development for Eastern European countries2015
EATGCore funding 2015 program2015
EATGFunding HIV Prevention Meeting2015
European Brain CouncilCorporate Sponsorship 20152015
EFCCACorporate Partnership 2015 + support World IBD Vouchers & Day Pack2015
ELPACore funding 20152015
European Patients’ ForumFunding 2015 Capacity Building Program2015
European Patients’ ForumEUPATI 4th instalment2015
Gamian EuropeFunding 2015 – Corporate Membership2014
International Diabetes FederationCorporate Funding 20152015
Myeloma Patients EuropeCorporate Funding 20152015
NAMFunding factsheets & antiretroviral drugs chart development for Eastern European countries2015
NAMFunding & Aidsmap.com2015
WHACore Funding 20152015
WHASupport WHA Advisory Committee Meeting2015
Alzheimer EuropeSilver Sponsorship 20142014
Association Tunisienne des Greffés de la Moelle OsseuseMedical Information Booth during the “15ème Journée scientifique du Centre National2014
EATGCore Funding 2014 Program + Sitges VII Meeting2014
EFCCACorporate Partnership 2014 + Completion Advocacy training tool2014
EFNAMid-level Supporting Partnership 20142014
ELPACore funding 2014 activities2014
EUFAMICollaborating Partnership for 20142014
Europa DonnaSupport 2014 Programs2014
Europa UomoCorporate Partnership 20142014
European Patients’ ForumSupport 20142014
European Patients’ ForumEUPATI (2014 – translation costs)2014
European Patients’ ForumEUPATI (2014 – third installment)2014
EuropeanBrain CouncilCorporate Sponsorship 20142014
EurordisSapphire Membership 20142014
EWMnFunding 2014 activities2014
Gamian EuropeFunding 2014 – Corporate Membership2014
Gamian EuropeSupport for EU Interest Group on Mental Health, Well-being and Brain Disorders2014
IAPOPremium Sponsorship 6th Global Patients Congress – Ascot, UK – March 29-31, 20142014
International Diabetes FederationCorporate Funding for IDF Europe in 20142014
International HIV PartnershipsSupport satellite meeting of HIV in Europe’s HepHIV 2014 Conference in Barcelona2014
Myeloma Patient EuropeCorporate Funding 20142014
NAMFunding support for 20142014
WHACore Funding 2014 activities2014
ADHD Family Support Group Maltasupport educational activity delivered by psychiatrists,GP's,nutritionists, and several experts dealing2013
Alzheimer EuropeSilver Sponsorship 20132013
ELPASupport for White Paper Economic Project2013
EUFAMIPrimary Collaborating Partnership 2013 + completion of the Mental Health Services study2013
EUFAMI, ELPA, IFPA, EATG and ECPCPatient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, July 20132013
European Aids Treatment Group (EATG)Core funding 20132013
European Aids Treatment Group (EATG)Sponsoring of Conference on Compassionate HCV Treatment Use2013
European Federation of Crohn’s & UlcerativeCorporate Sponsorship 20132013
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA)Support for 2013 activities2013
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA)Support for European Cancer Week 20132013
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA)Support for Policy Strategy Workshop2013
European Patients’ Forum (EPF)Support 2013 activities2013
EUROPSOSupport General Assembly2013
EUROPSOSupport EU Parliament Event2013
EUROPSOSupport EU Parliament Event2013
IAPOSilver Industry Partner & Support the development of a Briefing Paper on Innovation2013
IDRAACdeliver free community services, awareness programs and development of mental health care2013
International Federation ofSupport for World Psoriasis Day2013
Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)20132013
International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM)Support for Inaugural Cycling Tour 132013
Jordanian Rose of HopeRaising public awareness of Arthritis, its degrees and kinds, supporting patients in2013
Myeloma Patients EuropeSupport 2013 activities2013
NAMSupport towards NAM’s 2013 pan-European HIV treatments news and education program2013
NAMSupport for InfoHep.org2013
NAMSupport Development and Promotion InfoHep.org2013
SHINESponsoring of Conference: A perfect Vision for Mental Health 2020 (together with EUFAMI)2013
Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF)Support for Patient Advocacy Workshop at EHA 20132013
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA)Support for 2013 activities2013
Alzheimer EuropeSilver sponsorship of Alzheimer Europe's Conference in Vienna – Austria, October 4-6, 20122012
Alzheimer EuropeSupport for 2012 Corporate Affairs Activities of Alzheimer Europe2012
CAP-HOTo support the CAP-HO organization (Assistance Committee To Hospitalized Children) that takes2012
Community of mentally ill people in LithuaniaTo support organization of international seminar "Cooperation in the area of Mental2012
East Europe & Central Asia Union of PLWHSupport of EECA CAB Meeting to put the grounds for scaling-up the2012
Europa UomoSupport for a European Cancer Awareness Day (EPAD)2012
Europa UomoParticipation in the Conference on Active Surveillance for Low Risk Prostate Cancer2012
Europa Uomo CyprusPublication of the first three monthly informative bulletin.2012
European Aids Treatment GroupSponsorship of Sitges V Meeting2012
European Aids Treatment GroupCore funding 2012 / 2 half day ECAB meetings / Input in study design RPV2012
European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)Steering Committee Member – Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, December 20122012
European Cancer Patient CoalitionSteering Committee Member – Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, December 20122012
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental IllnessPrimary Partnership – Contribution to the 2012 Workplan2012
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI)Steering Committee Member – Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, December 20122012
European Liver Patients Assocation (ELPA)Steering Committee Member – Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, December 20122012
European Liver Patients Association2012 Funding2012
European Liver Patients AssociationSupport to ELPA Advisory Board Meeting (Austria – June 22-24, 2012)2012
European Patients’ ForumEUPATI (2012 – first instalment)2012
European Patients’ ForumSupport 20122012
EUROPSOSupport for Europso’s presence at the 3rd World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis2012
Faire FaceTo support early detection program of breast cancer and for the help2012
GAMIAN-EuropeSupport for the 2012 pan-European Adherence to Treatment Study2012
Gamian-EuropeSponsoring of a Training Session on adherence to treatment (Cyprus – June 2-3, 2012)2012
Healthcare Belgium vzwSponsoring Event Belgian Embassy Riyadh2012
Hepatitis B & C Public Policy AssociationSupport of the Summit Conference on Hepatitis B & C in Meditteranean and2012
IbtissamaSupporting Ibtissama's activity in Clown Doctors visit to cancer-hospitalized children.2012
IDRAACSupport IDRAAC’s mission in increasing public awareness on mental health, and2012
Institut Européen de Coopération et de DévelopmentPsychosocial assistance for children in need.2012
International Alliance of Patients' Organizations (IAPO)Support IAPO activities 20122012
International Diabetes Federation - EuropeCorporate partnership – Core funding2012
International Federation of Psoriasis AssociationsSupport of World Psoriasis Day 20122012
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)Steering Committee Member – Patient Advocacy Engagement Workshop, December 20122012
IRADAIRADA is a non-profit patient support group for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. JANSSEN2012
Jordanian Rose of Hope Society for Arthritis PatientsSupport JRHS in its mission of supporting patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and2012
Lebanese Autism SocietyContinue with LAS mission to advocate for the rights of individuals with2012
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patientsSupporting of organization of educational tour of patients, volunteers, doctors in Lithuania,2012
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients "Kraujas"Supporting of organization of Myeloma day 20122012
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients (OHLB) "Kraujas"To support organization of psychological seminars for oncohematology patients, covering organizational expenses.2012
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients (OHLB) "Kraujas"Supporting participation of 2 members in 6th EBMT Patient&Family Day and publishing2012
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients (OHLB) "Kraujas"Supporting participation of one member in 8th Baltic conference of Hematology Patient2012
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological patients (OHLB) "Kraujas"Supporting participation of one member in Public relations and communication seminar "How2012
Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Patients AssociationTo support organization and implementation of project for dissemination of information about2012
Myeloma Patients EuropeFunding of 2012 activities2012
NAM2012 Sponsoring - Support for NAM's 2012 pan-European HIV treatments news and education program2012
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA)2012 funding.2012
Alzheimer EuropeAnnual Support 2011.2011
Breast Cancer CareSocial Media Presentation by Bertie Bosredon at Patient Advocacy Workshop, December 20112011
chanceThis contribution will support treatment of children suffering from cancer and help2011
chanceSupporting treatments for children suffering from cancer and helping in promoting cancer2011
Community of Mentally Ill People of LithuaniaSupporting the organization of the cycle of lectures for the members of2011
Estonian Network of PLWHSupporting organization of educational seminar "Training course to HIV positive people -2011
Estonian Network of PLWHSupport for organization of educational seminar HIV Community platform for dialogue "Positive2011
European Aids Treatment GroupSupport for the EATG programmes including the Policy Dialogue Meetings, Training "promoting2011
European Aids Treatment GroupSupport for the SITGES IV program on HIV/HCV coinfection2011
European Aids Treatment GroupSupport for development of a Position Paper: "Treatment access and innovation"2011
European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)Steering Committee Member – Patient Advocacy Workshop, December 20112011
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI)Steering Committee Member – Patient Advocacy Workshop, December 20112011
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI)Annual Support 2011.2011
European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA)Annual Support 2011.2011
European Liver Patients Assocation (ELPA)Steering Committee Member – Patient Advocacy Workshop, December 20112011
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA)Annual Support for the year 2011.2011
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA)Support for the organization of a training in Clinical Trial Protocols.2011
European Patients' Forum (EPF)Annual support for the year 2011.2011
GAMIAN-EuropeTraining & development of patient advocacy groups in new Europe.2011
IDRAACContinue with IDRAAC mission in delivering free community services, training of volunteers,2011
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)Steering Committee Member – Patient Advocacy Workshop, December 20112011
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)Annual Support 2011.2011
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)Support for IFPA activities at the EADV congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 7, 2010.2011
Kids First Association LebanonContinue with Kids First mission in delivering free community services, purchase high-priced2011
Latvian Association of Kidney PatientsSupport for implementation of local project intended for kidney patients, including publication2011
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas")Support for participation in the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation2011
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas")Support for participation in the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation2011
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas")Supporting organization of psychological seminars (campaign) for patients with blood cancer in2011
Lithuanian Council of Patients' Organizations' RepresentativesSupporting participation of one representative in "5th Global Patients Congress. Achieving Patient-centered2011
Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Patients' AssociationSupporting edition of electronic educational books for prostate cancer patients and their2011
Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Patients' AssociationSupporting renovation and maintenance of the webpage
Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Patients' AssociationSupporting implementation of information campaign about prostate cancer and its treatment options2011
Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Patients' AssociationSupporting development and implementation of interactive forum for prostate cancer patients.2011
NAMupport of NAM's programme of pan-European treatments news and medical education via2011
SesobelProviding outstanding care and enhancing disabled children's quality of life to ensure2011
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA)Annual Support for the year 2011.2011
ADD-ADHD CyprusSupport of a presentation during the psychiatrists international conference "Fom Adolescence to2010
ADD-ADHD CyprusEducational grant to cover expenses of the 2nd Cyprus AD/HD conference,2010
ADHD Support GroupSupport in the international conference on ADHD in Sept 2010 through printing flyers2010
Association of Disabled People of Rokiskis DistrictSupport the organization of the local project "Education of dialyzed people, self-support2010
Association of Disabled People of Rokiskis DistrictSupport the organization of the local project "Education of dialyzed people, self-support2010
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI)Presentation at EPA Congress.2010
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA)Support to organize a training in Health Economics for the members of2010
European Patients' Forum (EPF)HIGH LEVEL ROUND TABLE DEBATE - The draft Directive on Patients Rights2010
European Sexual Health Alliance (ESHA)Organization of ESHA 2010 educational endeavors at ESSM 2010, Malaga, 14-17 November 2010.2010
EUROPSOSupport for EUROPSO Members Meeting, 28-30 May 2010, Dusseldorf, Germany.2010
FOSPA AssociationEducational dinner for caregivers of schizophrenic patients.2010
GyvastisSupport for participation of members of Association in the Baltic Countries Nephrology2010
Latvian Association of Kidney Patients (Latvijas Nieru Slimnieku Asociacija)Support for organization of local conference of Latvian Association of Kidney Patients.2010
Latvian Association of Kidney Patients (Latvijas Nieru Slimnieku Asociacija)Support for participation of one member of Association in the III Bulgarian2010
Latvian Association of Kidney Patients (Latvijas Nieru Slimnieku Asociacija)Support for implementation of local project intented for kidney patients, including publication2010
Latvian Association of Leucaemic Patients (Leikemijas Slimnieku Atbalsta Biedriba)Support for organization of local educational events intended for patients, publication of2010
ebanese Autism SocietyHelp the Lebanese Autism Society (LAS) to sustain and improve its school2010
Lithuanian Association of Support & Assistance (Paramos Ir Pagalbos Bendrija)Support for the organization of the educational project - cycle of lectures2010
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas")Support the organization of the local project "Education of dialyzed people, self-support2010
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas")Support for organization of local educational seminar intended2010
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas")Support for organization of the local educational event of OHLB "Kraujas".2010
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas")Support for participation in the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation2010
Lithuanian Community of Oncohematological Patients (OHLB "Kraujas")Support for the organization of the Educational / development project intended for patients2010
Lithuanian Healthcare Society of People With Mental DisordersSupport for organization of two educational conferences "The Role of Self-Aid and2010
AIDS FONDS AmsterdamBuild a European platform for exchange and activities to improve early diagnosis2009
heimer EuropeUnrestricted grant to support the operations and projects of the association during2009
Alzheimer EuropeUnrestricted grant to support the operations and projects of the association during2009
EPPOSIEPPOSI Membership2009
European Cancer Patient CoalitionUnrestricted grant for 2009 to support the general activities of ECPC2009
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI)Unrestricted grant to support the operations and projects of the association during2009
European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA)Pilot training course (3 days) for patient groups (37 participants) at the London School2009
European Liver Patient Association (ELPA)Sponsorship for the relaunch of the ELPA homepage including a protected area2009
European Men's Health Forum (EMHF)Support Disease Awareness Campaign on Premature Ejaculation, funding a web-based set of2009
European Men's Health Forum (EMHF)Support Disease Awareness Campaign on Premature Ejaculation, aiming to raise awareness amongst2009
International Alliance of Patients' Organizations (IAPO)Unrestricted financial support / IAPO Support level = Silver Industry Partner2009
ternational Myeloma Foundation (IMF)Kyle Award: platinum level sponsorship at Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony on Friday2009
Myeloma-EuronetUnrestricted grant for 2010: to raise awareness of the disease and to provide2009
Myeloma-EuronetUnrestricted grant for 2009: to raise awareness of the disease and to provide2009
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA)Support to WHA in reaching its objectives of raising awareness on Hepatitis2009
European AIDS Treatment GroupSupport for Siteges Meeting on HIV/HCV co-infection2008
European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC)Unrestricted grant to support the operation and projects of the association2008
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI)Unrestricted grant to support the operation and projects of the association2008
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI)Educational grant - lecture at WPA, Prague, Sept 082008
European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT)Support 1st Patient Family Day Florence 28 March 20082008
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)Support the organisation of the 2nd World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Conference (Stockholm 242008
Lymphoma CoalitionTravel Support for Lymphoma Coalition members to ASH (American Society Hematology; San2008
Myeloma-EuronetEnglish language patient brochure; international comparative survey on managing side effects of2008
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA)Sponsor the international campaign for World Hepatitis Day on May 19th2007
World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA)Sponsor the international campaign for World Hepatitis Day on May 19th 20082007