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「親歷‧思‧覺」– Experience ∙ Awareness ∙ Reflection (E.A.R.)


Organiser: New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (新生精神康復會)

In 2017, Janssen Hong Kong collaborated with the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (New Life) to sponsor the first ever virtual reality (VR) event to raise public awareness of schizophrenia in Hong Kong.

Due to the huge stigma associated with schizophrenia, there is a lack of understanding of the disease and of patients’ suffering. Patients are often unwilling to speak publicly about schizophrenia, resulting in a lack of empathy in the city.

New Life worked with two people in recovery (PIR) who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia to capture their real-life recovery stories, partnering with a VR specialist to share these stories in a virtual format. New Life hosted a series of public workshops, led by the two PIR, for members of the public to ‘experience’ schizophrenia for themselves, and enhance their understanding of the illness and its typical symptoms.

These workshops allowed participants to walk in the shoes of people with mental disorders and better understand the challenges experienced by patients with schizophrenia.