Glossary Of Terms
Johnson & Johnson aspires to help eradicate racial and social injustice as a public health threat by eliminating health inequities for people of color through the Race to Health Equity initiative. Johnson & Johnson is committed to invest in and promote health equity solutions. As part of this initiative and in accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education’s (ACCME) Addresses Population Health accreditation criteria, Johnson & Johnson is proud to support independent medical educational programs that address and/or incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion within our therapeutic areas of interest. Topics may include but are not limited to the following:
- Presenting information to increase awareness and solutions to address healthcare gaps that disproportionately or differentially effect underserved populations in prevention, management, and treatment
- Improving health care standards quality, healthcare resources access and utilization in underserved populations
- Increasing awareness of disparities created by structural, socioeconomic, socio-environmental, and biological factors in the healthcare system by incorporating diverse patient voices/perspectives
- Closing the racial care gap through data-driven educational programs that improve health outcomes for people of color by presenting clinical data and patient outcomes data on diverse sub-population including information on health disparity
- Increasing health literacy in underserved populations through patient education programs
- Increasing representation of underserved populations in the medical field, research, and clinical trials (i.e. fellowships)
- Partnering to create educational initiatives, platforms for social development, and community capacity-building
- Educational programs should be accessible to all appropriate learners and incorporate diversity and inclusion in all aspect of the planning and implementation process such as diverse faculty (women, African American/Black, Hispanic and other under-represented populations)
A grant request in one or more of these topics does not guarantee approval. All grant requests are reviewed for compliance with our policies and relevant legal and industry requirements. Grants on any or all topics listed above need to align with the therapeutic areas of interest and organizational strategy. To submit an Independent Medical Education grant request please go to the therapeutic area that aligns with your DE&I initiative.