Registration: All requestors and authorized signers must register in order to submit a grant request. Click the "Request Grant Application" tab above to begin filling out your organization's information for grant submission.
Submission: Upon the completion of registration, an organization may begin the grant submission process. Requests must be completed six (6) weeks prior to the program start date in order to allow sufficient lead time.
Review: A review of the grant request will be completed by the Medical/Scientific Department, in accordance with Healthcare Compliance and Regulatory Departments if applicable.
Decision: Both the requestor and authorized signer can check the grant status by logging into the grants system. If approved, an email will be sent to the authorized signer for further action. If denied, the requestor will receive an email notification regarding this decision.
Continuing Medical Education (CE)/Non-Accredited Continuing Education (NCE):
- Academic Institutions
- Hospitals
- Medical Societies
- Professional Associations
- Government Agencies
- Quality Organizations
- Medical Educational Companies
Patient/Caregiver Education:
- Academic Institutions
- Hospitals
- Medical Societies
- Professional Associations
- Government Agencies
- Patient Advocacy Organizations
- Medical Educational Companies
Fellowships (FS/FT):
- Academic Institutions
- Hospitals
- Medical Societies
- Professional Associations
- Medical Educational Companies
Healthcare Provider Education(or Allied Healthcare Professionals )
- CME/ CE Grants
- Non-CME/ CE Grants
- Fellow(s) Travel
- Support of a fellowship program
Patient Education
- Online and Print Materials
- Live Events
The Educational Grants System requires manual entry of some information as well as document uploads. You will need to have the following information on hand when you are ready to submit a request into the Educational Grants System.
- Organizational Information
- General Program/Activity Information (e.g., Activity Title, Activity Date(s), Scope, Reach)
- Educational need, learning objectives, and expected outcome
- Agenda or topics
- Budget (total budget & breakdown of amount requested from Janssen)
- Certification of Separation
- Information about company structure, firewalls and CME/CE accreditation (if applicable)
A note on Government Employees. If any person participating in the development or delivery of the CE Activity is a government employee (Federal, State, or Local), the requestor must obtain a signed copy of explicit written approval by an authorized representative of the applicable government agency to participate in the CE Activity in a form substantially similar to the Government Affiliation and Participation form that can be found on the Submit/View tab under “Forms”. This written approval must be received and on file with the requestor prior to any work being performed on the CE Activity. A copy does not have to be provided to Janssen Scientific Affairs.
- Needs Assessment / Educational Gap Analysis (required attachment)
Detailed needs assessment and learning objectives for the proposed educational activity or platform, which should include information about the source(s) and methodology used to identify the medical educational need(s). It is strongly recommended that at least 3 separate sources are utilized to support the identified educational need. Examples of sources used to perform a needs assessment may include:- Interviews
- Questionnaires/surveys
- Practice pattern analysis
- Focus groups
- Literature review
- Previous CE activity evaluations or educational outcomes
- Quality Insurance/Quality Assurance (QI/QA) data analysis
- For educational grants with multiple activities/components or materials a diagram or schematic is strongly recommended
- Educational outcomes/program evaluation plans
- Any proposed educational outcomes measurements of current activity, including the expected level of outcomes to be attained, design of the outcomes assessment plan and demonstrated alignment with the design of the proposed education activity(s)
- Description of the group responsibility for outcomes assessment design, data collection, and analysis, including experience and expertise of staff conducting the outcomes assessment
- Outcomes and/or evaluations from past programs if available
Patient/Caregiver grants are not intended to support education with a healthcare provider or allied healthcare provider (ie, social workers, case managers, treatment educators) audience or for activities that provide CME/CE credits. These grants are intended to support education for PATIENTS or the public only.
The Grants System requires you to enter information in specific sections for the grant application. You will need to have all the following items on hand to when you are ready to submit a request into the Grant System.
- Organizational Information
- Description of fellowship program
- Target conference(s)
- Estimated expenses per fellow
The Grants System requires you to enter information in specific sections for the grant application. You will need to have all the following items on hand to when you are ready to submit a request into the Grant System.
- Organizational Information
- Description of fellowship program
- Target conference(s)
- Estimated expenses per fellow