Contact Us
Find contact information medical information, community support, partnerships, careers and media for Janssen Asia Pacific.
Medical Emergencies
If you have a question that relates to a product or the treatment of a personal medical condition, please contact your physician or healthcare professional, as this individual is most familiar with your specific medical condition and complete medical history.
Medical Information
If you are a healthcare professional who would like additional medical information about our products, or would like to report a side effect or product complaint, please contact your local Janssen Operating Company
Community Support
For more information about our community-based initiatives, or if you would like to seek support from Janssen Asia Pacific for an upcoming project, please contact our Asia Pacific Communication & Public Affairs Department.
If you would like to explore partnering opportunities with Janssen Asia Pacific at any phase of the product life cycle, please send an email with non-confidential information to Asia Pacific Business Development.
To learn more about what it’s like to have a career with Janssen Asia Pacific, please visit the Careers section of this site.
If you are a member of the media and have an inquiry regarding Janssen Asia Pacific, please contact our Asia Pacific Communication & Public Affairs Department.