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Movember | Janssen Belgium

November is prostate cancer month

November is Movember: the month in which men grow their moustache to draw special attention ProstateTalkto prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men in Belgium. The chance that a man will be diagnosed with prostate cancer is 1 in 101. Men over the age of 50 have an increased risk of developing this disease2. All too often men (still) find it difficult to talk about the health of their prostate. We are committed to lifting the prostate out of the taboo so that it becomes easier to talk about. A discussion can contribute to a small victory over this disease.

The prostate, the unknown organ

Starting a conversation about the prostate may prove to be difficult for many men. On the one hand, because it is a relatively unknown organ that many know little about. On the other hand, the taboo atmosphere sometimes makes talking difficult: some men experience the possible consequences of prostate cancer, such as erectile and incontinence problems, as a loss of masculinity, and therefore do not like to talk about it.


Through our #ProstateTalk campaign, we want to make everyone aware that talking about the prostate is important. On social media, we will launch a campaign in November with a quiz to stimulate the conversation. Do you know where the prostate is located? The prostate lies around the urethra, under the bladder. And do you know how big the prostate is? The prostate is a gland of about 3 to 4 centimetres and weighs about 10 to 15 grams. The size can be compared to a walnut2. From the age of 50, the prostate grows slightly as a man gets older. And do you know what the function of the prostate is? Gland tubes in the prostate produce prostate fluid that is stored in the 'seminal vesicles'. This fluid is added to the sperm during ejaculation. This fluid protects the sperm cells during ejaculation and allows sperm to find and penetrate the egg cell2. The prostate is therefore very important for reproduction.

Would you like to know more about prostate cancer and how we are working on it? Read more about it here and follow our campaign during the Movember month. Join our quiz and share your story with the hashtag #ProstateTalk!

Janssen in Belgium

Read more about our activities in the field of blood cancer, prostate cancer and our other areas of expertise. You can also learn more about Janssen's activities in Belgium.  Follow us via social media on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to stay up to date on current developments.