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Janssen at the ISPOR Conference

Janssen Highlights Impact on Caregivers at ISPOR Conference

Janssen, in partnership with the European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI), supported unique caregiver research that was presented at the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Annual European Conference in Amsterdam in November.

The research quantifies the impact on those providing care for an adult with schizophrenia. The findings report worse physical and mental health for careers of adults with schizophrenia, including significantly more sleep difficulties, insomnia and pain, compared with comparable non-caregivers and caregivers of adults with other diseases. The studies were based on data from Kantar Health’s National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS), the largest healthcare database of projectable, self-reported, ‘real world’ information, covering over 165 therapeutic conditions and one million respondents.

The two poster presentations were recognised for the quality of the research and subsequent analysis, receiving nominations as Finalists in the ISPOR Best Poster Research Presentation Award – an accolade established in 1998 to recognise the scientific merit exhibited in the Poster Presentation, based on several factors including transparent and appropriate research design and unbiased presentation of data.

The aim of the research is to raise awareness of the wider – and often hidden – burden and costs associated with mental illness and build the case for better support and funding for mental healthcare across Europe. Through this research and other activities, such as Janssen’s sponsorship of the recently launched Mental Health Integration Index, Janssen is demonstrating its ongoing commitment to people with mental illness and those who care for them.

CollaborationEngagement in SocietyFuture of HealthcareNeuroscienceNews