JanssenWithMe is our web platform dedicated to supporting people living with disease, in the areas we serve.
JanssenWithMe offers patients, as well as their relatives and caregivers, a place to help them better understand their disease and feel supported throughout their patient journey.
It’s a user-friendly site offering disease-specific information and related initiatives based on patient insights, designed to empower people to engage in conversations with their healthcare team, fellow patients, relatives and patient representatives. JanssenWithMe offers the resources to guide patients through their healthcare journey
The site is available at a EMEA region (Europe, Middle East & Africa) and local-country levels, and makes it easier for people to access the disease-specific information they need, when they need it.
Empowering patients
As outlined in the Johnson & Johnson Credo, our first responsibility is to patients.
Janssen has long been championing ways to support patients beyond their treatment, and research suggests that informed patients are better equipped to make educated decisions about their treatment and therefore experience improved outcomes [1] [2], both in terms of their disease and the emotional burdens they carry.
The content on JanssenWithMe, much of which has been co-shaped and co-created with the patient community, has been designed to complement resources currently provided by healthcare teams and patient advocacy groups.
We envision JanssenWithMe to empower patients, relatives and caregivers to facilitate a more impactful healthcare discussion with their healthcare provider through support, tools and services throughout their treatment journey.
JanssenWithMe hosts disease-specific information in the areas of Oncology, Immunology, Neuroscience, Pulmonary Hypertension, Infectious Diseases & Vaccines, and Cardiovascular & Metabolism.