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Our PH Commitment

With You Until PH Isn't

Our long-term commitment to the pulmonary hypertension (PH) community:
We are with you every step of the journey, however long the road ahead.

With You Until PH Isn’t  defines our long-term commitment to PH and our ambitions to raise the standard of care. It is the connecting theme for some of our educational and awareness activities and enabled us to launch the first global pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) Patient Charter in partnership with the PAH community.

Working together over the course of the last two decades, we have achieved many firsts – the first oral PAH treatment, the first long-term outcome studies providing the first outcome data on sequential double oral combination therapy, the first long-term data on sequential triple oral combination therapy, and the first short and long-term data on initial triple oral combination therapy.

We are building on a solid legacy in PAH as well as rare disease expertise, and committing our extensive global resources and expertise to add breadth and depth to that legacy. We are committed to finding new solutions for PH and investing in the long-term to improve patients’ lives.

This is our pledge to patients, carers, doctors and nurses – we are With You Until PH Isn’t.




Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary Hypertension

Normal Artery in Cross Section (Magnification x100) H&E stain