This page lists all direct customers that JOM has designated as Authorized Distributors of Record (ADR). An Authorized Distributor of Record may be authorized to only distribute select JOM products. Please be sure to click on the specific ADR to obtain a list of those products that the ADR has been authorized to distribute.
JOM has assigned different ADR designations to its direct customers as follows:
Wholesaler/Distributor: This designation represents a JOM Authorized Distributor in the Wholesaler/Distributor Class of Trade that has signed JOM's anticounterfeiting policy, thereby showing their commitment to securing the pharmaceutical supply chain and agreeing to source JOM products only from JOM.
Free Goods Only: This designation represents a company, authorized by JOM, to distribute products for specific Free Goods programs. These companies are not authorized to sell JOM products for profit. The companies designated as ADR's for Free Goods Only have also signed JOM's anticounterfeiting policy, thereby showing their commitment to securing the pharmaceutical supply chain and agreeing to source JOM products only from JOM.
Retail Chain/ Returns Only: FDA regulations and guidance currently classify retail or chain pharmacies as “distributors” for purposes of returns of saleable prescription drugs to distributors or manufacturers. As such, this designation represents a Retail or Pharmacy Chain that purchases JOM products For Own Use Only. Own Use is defined as product that is purchased by a pharmacy or retail chain warehouse and moved solely between these warehouses or pharmacies via intra-company transfers and dispensed to a patient by that same company. The product for own use may also be transferred to another authorized distributor of record for returns processing or to a reverse distributor for destruction. JOM has granted the ADR designation to these companies provided that these companies only purchase JOM products either directly from JOM or from one of its authorized wholesale/distributors of record.
In addition to the three designations listed above, JOM has designated other distributors that are specifically engaged in supply agreements with JOM and its affiliates as ADRs for products for which JOM's affiliates own the NDA, but do not distribute. If you have questions about a specific JOM Authorized Distributor of Record, please contact the JOM Customer Service Pedigree Team at 1-800-631-5273, option 1, then option 3 or send an e-mail to [email protected].